Riding Hard Page 2
I set the gun in between my seat and the door. It's quiet. Rex and I look at one another. I glare at him. There's something about him now that makes my blood boil.
He leans forward and keeps one hand on the wheel as he takes off his jacket. "It's hot in here." He tosses it in the backseat, and he's left with a plain black shirt that hugs the curves of his rugged muscles. He catches me staring and flashes me a sly smirk. "See something you like, Mrs. Suns?"
I dart my gaze. "Of course not. You're not even my type."
"You mean rich?"
I flash him a stern glare. "Shut up, Detective." It's too hot for my coat, so I strip it off of me and toss it into the backseat with his. "Alright, mister man. Obviously you know quite a bit about me, and now it's time for me to find more out about you."
My manhood twitches in excitement when my eyes lay on the bare skin Lila shows. She's down to a tight little black dress that hugs her curves. Damn, I'm jealous I'm not that dress on her body.
Lila catches me staring at her bare thighs. "Excuse me, Detective?"
I look up to meet her gaze. "What do you wanna know?"
"Everything that I don't know." She drums her fingers on her knee. "What does my husband know about me? Does he know I'm running drugs?"
"No. He thinks you're having an affair."
"And you? Are you going to tell him?" She flashes me a stern look of her hazel eyes. It's intense and seductive, the stare of a dangerous woman, the sexiest type of woman. "I'll pay you to keep your mouth shut, Detective."
"Let's just get to the drop off point, Lila, then we'll worry about what to do after."
She looks forward. Quiet, nervous. The sharp breaths she takes makes her breasts rise and fall. I steal a glance at the cleavage shown at the top of her dress. She catches me. I look away and shift in my seat as my body starts to ache to have her.
"You still haven't answered why," she says. "Why are you doing this?"
I look her in the eyes. "Trust me, Lila Suns. It would only scare you if I told you."
Outside Manhattan, I drive the Thunderbird onto the highway and zoom past cars like they're standing still. Lila holds on tight to her seat, but I can see the thrill in her eyes. "You're going so fast," she gasps with a deep breath.
"Do you want me to slow down?" I ask.
She shakes her head. "Hell no."
Croatian, a little village town quaint with shops and bed-and-breakfasts, is an hour north of Manhattan. I wind along the back roads into the deep woods until we arrive just outside the town. I pull over at a rest stop, and the headlights if the Thunderbird rest on a highway sign that reads: WELCOME TO CROATIAN.
"Where are you supposed to drop the coke?" I ask Lila.
She straightens up. Her body is tense, arms pulled in, and she looks around nervously. "Kensington Park. It's another twenty minutes just outside this town." She looks at me. "Rex, if they see you with me, they're going to get suspicious."
I look into her eyes. Those hazel eyes of hers could break my soul. I don't think. I act. I take her hand, hold it firm and gently. "Lila, I'm not backing out now. I'm with you until this is over."
Her hand feels warm on me. She breathes faster. She looks at our hands. She trembles.
Ten minutes later, I drive us along the winding roads into the isolated woods. Closer and closer, we reach Kensington Park. Lila's fear becomes more visible. Her legs shake. She can't sit still, and her hand rests uneasy on her handgun she hides next to her seat.
"Why did you do it?" I ask her. "Why did you get involved with drug dealers?"
She looks out the window. "You were right about me, Detective. I'm empty. Miserable. And there's things about my husband that no one else knows. How much of a monster he is. I have to get out. Out of that house, out of this country. So, every penny I make from this I'm saving, and one day I'll leave him and start all over." She looks at me, water in her eyes. "One day."
Just before the dark woods of Kensington Park, I park and kill the engine. It's near pitch black out in these woods at night. And it's almost midnight.
I take Lila's hand. "Are you ready?"
She pulls her hand away. "Let's get it over with."
I put on my coat and face the cold air of Kensington Park. Rex follows behind me. Our shoes crunch across the ground as we trek into the deep, dark woods. It smells of pine and dirt. I hold tight to my gun and the bag of drugs I'm so desperate to get rid of.
Even though I can't completely trust Rex Copper, I feel better knowing he's behind me. I know he'll protect me if I need it. And something tells me I just may.
"You can stop right there, missy," calls a raspy voice from beyond the trees.
Rex jumps in front of me and blocks me with his body. He raises his gun, two hands on it, ready to shoot.
"And who's this?" The owner of the raspy voice steps out from the trees. He's Cutthroat, one of the drug lord’s henchman. He's a short, balding scumbag with a tattoo on his neck and one gold tooth. "Boys, come on out. Looks like we've got a party."
Two other men emerge from the trees. They're big men, tall with shaved heads, in baggy jeans and heavy jackets. All three have guns. All three look ready to attack.
"Cutthroat, what is this?" I ask. "It's just supposed to be you and me like always."
"Cutthroat?" Rex whispers. "Ridiculous."
"Things change, darling." Cutthroat steps forward. "We're under new management now. And the new boss, well, he had a little request for how to handle all our old mules."
Rex flexes, making himself bigger. He raises his gun at Cutthroat.
Cutthroat flashes a wicked smile. He knows he doesn't have to raise his gun. His two goons raise their weapons at Rex.
"Rex, what are you doing?" I whisper.
"These men aren't here to just hand the drugs to, Lila," he says to me. "They were going to kill you."
My blood runs cold. I look around Rex at Cutthroat. "Is that true?"
Cutthroat smiles. "Sorry, darling. Business is business. It's nothing personal. The only question is..." His evil eyes land on Rex. "Who the hell are you?"
"Her bodyguard," Rex answers in a deep voice. "And you aren't getting anywhere near her."
Cutthroat snaps his fingers. "Enough games. Boys?"
The henchman take two steps towards us. They're going to grab me.
"Rex!" I yell instinctively. I raise my gun at them.
The henchman freeze.
"Rex, what do we do?" I whisper. If I shoot the henchman, Cutthroat will shoot Rex. If Rex shoots Cutthroat, the henchmen will shoot me. "Rex?"
Rex waits a moment longer. "Lila, get ready..."
I gulp, and my stomach drops. "For what?"
"This!" Rex spins around. With one arm, he wraps around me and pulls me down. We duck.
The henchmen fire, but they shoot Cutthroat instead. Cutthroat screams, and then he gargles on his own blood as he hits the ground.
Rex spins me around while we're still knelt. "Lila!" he yells. He aims his gun behind me at the henchmen.
They fire two shots. He fires at their legs. He shoots them both. He takes them down. He leaves them crying out in pain.
I breathe fast. Mind racing. Everything seems like a blur. I realize I'm on the ground. My hands are on the rough, cold dirt and snow.
I can't move.
"Lila? Did they get you?"
I shake my head. "I'm fine. I’m not hit."
Rex storms to the henchmen before they have a chance to get their weapons. He kicks their guns away. He aims at their faces. "Who's the new management?"
They're too scared to answer.
I look to my left and see Cutthroat’s dead body on the ground. My stomach churns. "Dear God," I whimper. What have I done?
"What's his name?" Rex demands.
"Screw you," they hiss back at him. They cough and pant, unable to get up on their shot legs. "We'll never tell. And back up is com
"Fine," Rex growls. "Have it your way." He cocks his gun. He's going to kill them.
"Rex, stop!" I jump up.
Rex freezes. He turns his head to me. "Lila, stay out of this."
"Don't do this," I demand. I tremble, but I stand my ground.
His shoulders raise. From the side of his face I see his scowl. He hates these men just as much as I do, only I can't let him shed more blood.
"These men will hunt us down," he yells at me. "Lila, just look away!" He steadies his gun again.
I leap forward and put my hand on his forearm. "No! Don't shoot them."
He shoves me off him. "Lila!" He roars as he spins around to face me. Eyes filled with fury, muscles flexed and teeth bared, he's a beast. An angry, vicious beast.
But I hold my ground and keep my stare back into his dark eyes. In the moonlight, he meets my gaze, and in the moonlight his shoulders drop and the fury fades from his eyes. He lowers his gun. Head down, eyes on me, he lets out a deep breath. "Alright, but we can't leave them like this."
Five minutes later, the two henchmen are tied to a tree by a rope from the trunk of the Thunderbird. They're gagged and helpless. Rex took their guns, took out the bullets and threw them where the rope had been. Rex tries to take my hand. "Come on, Lila. We gotta get out of here."
I yank away from him. "Don't touch me."
He sighs. He points towards the woods. "Do you hear that?"
I listen carefully. Through the soft winter breeze, I hear engines, car engines in the distance that approach fast.
"That's back-up for these scumbags," Rex says. "We gotta get out, because unlike you these guys won't hesitate to kill."
I fold my arms. "I don't like your attitude, Detective."
Rex grunts in frustration. "Lila, do you wanna live or not?" He walks to the Thunderbird. "I'm leaving. Unless you'd like to stay and explain why you're still alive, I suggest you get in my car."
Glaring at him, I get inside and slam the door shut.
Rex jumps in. The thunderbird revs as he drives onto the backroads away from Kensington Park. Out my window, I can see three black cars winding through the trees to the spot we just left. Rex was right. We would've been outnumbered.
"So," I ask, "Where do we go now?"
Rex looks forward with a stern gaze. "I'm taking you somewhere safe."
I stare at him. Rex Copper is impossible to figure out. What kind of man has a gun and rope in his car? What kind of man drives a car like this? Rex. Rex Copper is that kind of man. He's just saved my life, and I can't deny my attraction for him. That strong gaze, his protective strength and build, my heart beats faster for him.
My skin is warm. As my heart pounds, it sends the rush of hot adrenaline coursing through my veins. I feel it my hands, in my thighs, all the way up and in between my legs. My body craves him as this rush of danger pulses through me. Body trembling, I hold onto my seat and get ready for the fast ride ahead.
Foot on the pedal, I race the Thunderbird south to the city. Lila Suns sits next to me, her legs crossed towards me. My blood pumps like a raging river, through every vein, sending testosterone and adrenaline pumping through my body like a drug. All for her. All for Lila. I'll do anything to protect her.
"Who are you?" she demands of me. "What kind of detective is able to take down three armed men? What kind of detective drives this kind of car? Who are you?"
I grit my teeth. She deserves an answer. "I used to be a marine," I tell her. "Let's just say things didn't work out." I take a hard left onto the highway. Far in the distance we can see the lights of the city. "After I left the corps, I needed some extra income. Detective work is easy if you know the right people." I look her way. "And your husband is one of them. But now I wanna know something. How the hell did you think you could survive in a world like this? With drug dealers and murderers?"
Her eyes sear me. She's furious, scared, or both. "His name was Carter," she answers. "And he seemed, so nice. A gentleman in a grey suit. He met me one day, at that coffee shop you've seen me at. He was the one who offered me the job."
I zoom past traffic on the highway, hands tight on the wheel, ears glued to what Lila says.
"It was easy at first," she says. "I just met one of his dealers at the Sunset Inn and took it wherever the drop off point was. It never felt dangerous. But I bought a gun just in case." She holds her Colt in her lap, right on her bare thighs. "And then, Emilio said tonight would be the last drop off for me. I have enough money saved up, so this was it. I would never deliver drugs for him again. I just didn't think he would be killed. And I never thought they would try and kill me."
I sigh heavy. Lila is a dangerously beautiful woman, but she's made some even more dangerous choices. "Damn it, Lila," I groan.
"Don't act like I dragged you into this." She glares at me. "I told you that you could walk away. I told you I don't need you."
"I know you did."
She pauses. "Then why did you? Why are you still helping me, Rex Copper?"
Because you're mine, I think. Because everything about you makes me feel alive like I've never felt before. Because you're a fucking drug to me, Lila Suns.
I look over her bare legs. I peek at the cleavage I can see through her open coat. My racing pulse and my desire combine to swell my cock into an erection I can't have right now. I can smell her. My hands crave to feel her flesh. I look away. I can't have her. Not right now.
"I told you," I growl. "It would only scare you."
Back in the city, I drive through the crowded streets like a mad man. Lila holds tight, and her body is stiff as she watches the buildings and cars and people fly by. And I watch her. She gets this look in her eyes, the flash of lust, lust for danger.
She's a dangerous woman, I think. My kind of woman.
"Where are we going?" she asks.
"Call your husband," I order. "Tell him you're not coming home tonight. Make up something. Lie and say you're with a friend."
"Just take me home," she fights.
I shake my head. "Not a chance. If these men are after you, they'll go to your house. I'm taking you somewhere safe."
She raises one eyebrow. "And where's that?"
I look her way. "My apartment."
My apartment is in South Manhattan, on the 4th floor of a little building on the corner of Lexington and Tenth Street. It's a studio apartment, one giant and empty space I've had for almost six years.
Lila scans the apartment, studying it with caution. I can see the suspicion in her gaze. "So, this is where a private detective lives?"
"This is where a detective like me lives." I make sure all windows are down and locked. I shut the blinds. I deadbolt the door. My gun is loaded. I'm ready to kill to protect Lila if I have to.
Lila watches me. There's a lot of distrust in those hazel eyes. It's easy to see that. And I can't blame her. Her lips quiver a little. Her hands tremble. She's probably never been in this much danger in all her 35 years.
I approach her. "Lila?"
She backs away from me. "I lied to my husband. Told him I was staying with a friend on the other side of the city. I lied to him. And now, now I don't know. I've never lied to him. Not straight to his face." Her chest swells with a deep, nervous breath.
I take another step towards her. "Lila, there's nothing I won't do to keep you safe. Do you trust me?"
She pauses. She looks me in the eye. She nods. "I do. I trust you, Rex."
We stand close to one another. Hearts pounding, bodies aching, it's all I can do to fight the temptation to grab her and take her. I pull away. "Every door and window is locked," I tell her. "Make yourself at home. I'm gonna hit the shower."
I undress and step under steaming hot water in my shower. It feels good on my skin, on my muscles to ease the tension. I stand under the water, head down, imagining Lila over and over again. I'm not lying when I say I'll kill for her. She doesn't know it, but she's t
he closest thing to love I've ever known. And there's no way in hell I'm losing that.
While I hear the shower running near the back of the apartment, I take off my coat and try to relax. Rex has a bottle of wine in his kitchen cabinet. Already opened, I pour from it and have myself a drink.
What have I done, I think. What kind of trouble have I gotten into? What kind of man have I ended up with?
This isn't so bad, I think. At least I have Rex. He makes me feel safer. When he says he'll do anything to protect me, I believe him. I think I know men well enough to know when they're lying. And Rex isn't. He really cares about me. And that is terrifying.
The shower stops running. I turn and see Rex emerging from the bathroom, dressed only in a little towel that barely wraps around his taut, muscular waist. He raises one eyebrow to me. "I see you broke into the wine."
It's a little hard to focus. The steaming water is still dripping from Rex’s muscles. He glistens like a shining wall of strong man, teasing me. It makes me wonder just what other weapons he might be hiding under that towel...
"Lila?" he asks. His voice is deep, controlling, yet gentle. "Are you alright?"
I turn from him. "Of course I'm not alright!" My heart racing, stomach fluttering, my arousal turns to anger. "I'm trapped here. With you! A man I barely know!" My hands start to shake. My voice trembles. "And you still won't even tell me why. You won't even tell me why you're helping me, Rex Copper!"
Rex sighs. He keeps his distance. "I told you, Lila, you can trust me."
"Not completely." I fold my arms and face him. "I can't trust you completely until you tell me the truth. Why are you doing this?"
His resistance is clear in his gaze. Head low, eyes on me, his shoulders raise in defense. He lets out a deep breath though flared nostrils and gives into me. "Because, Lila, I think I love you."